Legless in Dublin is a newsletter brought to you by journalist, author, playwright, DJ, pop lover and wheelchair user Louise Bruton. Covering areas of access and disability, Louise offers reviews and personal essays that champion disabled people and educate non-disabled people.
Louise’s written work has appeared in the Irish Times, the Irish Independent, the Business Post, Lonely Planet, Vogue Online, Kinfolk, Buzzfeed, Irish Tatler and Image Magazine. She made her theatre debut in 2017's Dublin Fringe Festival as a playwright and a performer with a sold out run of Why Won't You Have Sex With Me?, a show that looks into disability, relationships and sex.
With thanks to funding from the Arts Council, she is writing a collection of short stories based on themes around disability and identity. She is also currently working on scripts for two short films.
Lou Bru is a renowned pop DJ and music journalist. Like much of Ireland’s talent pool she was born and raised in Kildare. Following her debut at Electric Picnic 2018, she quickly established herself as one of the most sought-after DJs in Dublin, playing club nights and festivals across the map. No stranger to playing the hits, she specialises in niche and deeply camp pop. With her infectious energy and passion for music, Lou Bru makes even the most stubborn nonbeliever realise that pop is indeed magic.
Why subscribe?
Every single post here will be behind a paywall, and the only people who get to read these posts for free are disabled people.
For years, I have been treated as an expert on access and disability, but now I am setting a rate for non-disabled people. Employment and social opportunities are not the same for me as they are for you, and I need to drown out the noise in my inbox when you ask me about access, diversity and inclusion, forgetting that this is my life.
A wise woman once told me that I am not an education programme on demand, but for a fiver a month, I am happy to share the wisdom.
Disabled people subscribe for free
On request, I will send life-long subscriptions to members of my community. Because the way the world is designed, we can rarely congregate in person, so I’m hoping that Legless in Dublin will serve you well.
You can contact me on Instagram (@itsloubru) to request free access. All I need to set you up is your email address.